

GZZ(GDZ)-15 | GZZ(GDZ)-25 | GZZ(GDZ)-50 | GZZ-100 | GZZ-100Q

  • GZZ and GDZ series automatic dryers are used for drying various type of garments after washing and extracting.

  • Perfect transferrence of heat and energy saved thanks to big heater adopted.

  • Microprocessor controller with programmable drying time and temperature setting.

  • Once the drying time is being selected, the drum will rotate in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction to tumble dry the garment inside drum and with auto stop when reaches preset time.

  • Door window with tempered glass allow visual check of garment inside the drum during drying.

  • Over-sized loading door allow easy loading and unloading of linens to achieve higher productivity and human fatigue reduced.

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Copyright ? 2020 Jiangsu Sealion Machine Group by VTHINK

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