
Automatic Through Dryer


It is of corollary equipment for washing machine or washer extractor to make pressed or extracted linen loosened and thoroughly dried.  The equipment can be connected with press or centrifugal-extractor.

  • The optimized unloading air duct works efficiently and smoothly.

  • Back pressure is timely monitored so that lint can be removed in time.

  • The temperature at air inlet and outlet is timely monitored.

  • The running speed of fan motor and basket can be steplessly adjusted.

  • Heat can be fully used thanks to the perfect isolation design.

  • Industrial Ethernet controlled, 0-99 programs built-in.

Purchase intention submission


Please contact our local sales service personnel according to your region, we will respond to your needs quickly.

Copyright ? 2020 Jiangsu Sealion Machine Group by VTHINK

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